Our People


*Note: these Governance details relate to Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT). GMIT merged with LYIT and IT Sligo on 1st April, 2022 to form Atlantic Technological University (ATU). Please refer to www.atu.ie for further details.

GMIT is governed by a Body of members representing Institute and community interests and led by the Chair.

The President is the principal executive officer of the Institute.

The Academic Council is the principal academic body of the Institute, responsible for academic standards and for formulating and recommending academic policy.

Code of Governance of Irish Institutes of Technology (PDF, 776.48KB)


The Institute's Executive Board, led by the President, comprises the senior management team of the Institute.  Its fundamental role is to monitor and implement Institute strategy and to ensure the effective management of the Institute. Its focus is on strategic rather than operational issues.


The Management Group supports the President and the Executive Board in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of managerial actions throughout all functional levels within the Institute.  Its primary role is an operational one.

GMIT Organisational Chart 2021 (PDF, 237.00KB)