2D, 3D Contextual Studies and Studio 1 : Introduction to the Practice


2D, 3D contextual studies and studio

In this module the learner will explore a range of 2D and 3D studio practices and the range of  potentials offered.

Students will be introduced to the areas through presentations delivered by staff and senior students.

2D:- The learner will be given the opportunity to explore their own creativity in a 2D capacity through a series of directed and self-directed projects. Materials, techniques, process and concepts relevant to 2D, will be explored and discussed individually with the tutor and also with the wider group as a means of expanding the learners creative potential and possibilities.

3D:- The learner will be given the opportunity to explore their own creativity in a 3D capacity through a series of directed and self-directed projects. Materials, techniques, process and concepts relevant to 3D, will be explored and discussed individually with the tutor and also with the wider group as a means of expanding the learners creative potential and possibilities.

Contextual studies:- The learner will research defined topics and develop concepts and ideas through the creation of presentations, artworks and artistic statements. They will participate in group discussions / projects and further enhance their ability to critically self-evaluate.

Studio :-The learner will be instructed in, and adhere to, specific and general good studio practice and Health and Safety norms. They will be introduced to basic materials and processes specific to the areas of 2D and 3D with an emphasis on visual, historical, contextual and technical research relevant to the area. They will also engage in a number of tasks relevant to the areas.

Learning Outcomes

  1.  Demonstrate a basic engagement with the specific studio practice in terms of process, materials and creative application, Health and Safety, and document this in annotated workbooks.

  2. Develop an awareness of the formal aspects of 2D and 3D space as well as historical and contemporary practitioners

  3. Integrate critical thinking, 2D and 3D problem solving skills with an emphasis on enquiry.

  4. Engage in a manner that is increasingly autonomous and self-critical.

  5. Demonstrate effective group learning and communication skills in a variety of formats.

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