Applied Enzymology and Immunology


This module will provide learners with a knowledge of the applied aspects of enzymology and immunology. Applied Enzymology builds upon the principles of enzyme catalysis, enzyme inhibition, sources of enzymes and their purification. It also describes the industrial and clinical applications of enzymes and the principles of enzyme technologies. The learner will gain practical experience in the extraction of enzymes and their purification and quantification using enzyme assays. Applied Immunology will focus on antibodies and their development plus their applications in Immunoassays (IAs). The learner will gain practical experience in performing immunoassays which plays a prominent role in healthcare and industrial settings as these assays can provide an early and precise detection of analytes/biomarker in clinical samples. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Classify enzymes, identify the factors that influence the rate of catalysis, explain and perform a number of enzyme-based assays.

  2. Describe how the Michaelis- Menten kinetic constants are derived and calculated, mechanisms of enzyme catalysis and enzyme inhibition. 

  3. Extract an enzyme from a biological source, purify using low level purification techniques and calculate purification parameters such as % recovery, specific activity and purification factor.

  4. Describe the major applications of enzymes in analytical, clinical, industrial environments and identify the technology and future prospectives and trends in regard to enzymology.

  5. Explain and outline the main principles of immunochemistry such as the nature and interactions of antigen/antibody.

  6. Identify the factors involved in antibody development and their potential applications in immunoassays.

  7. Classify immunoassays, show knowledge with regard to labels, detection systems, platforms and perform a number of immunoassays. 

  8. Write scientific reports and interpret analytical data from enzyme assays and immunoassays.

% Coursework 50%
% Final Exam 50%