ATU Transcend Research

Transcend is focused on the development of novel technologies to advance manufacturing in Ireland.

The research is use-case driven and industrially focused aiming to solve problems to aid technology transfer to industrially and other real-world environments. Our research spans robotics, automation, machine vision, block chain and cloud technologies.

The factory of the future will amplify human capabilities and create adaptable production lines.

Human-robot collaboration and adaptive robotics can facilitate flexible automation solutions enabling companies to adapt to real time ordering and changes in the production process.


Creating smart robots with sensing capacities and with more intuitive interfaces will enable reconfigurability on the factory floor. 

We are developing new human robot interfaces based on robot capabilities and environmental constraints. Such systems will allows humans to quickly program robots to do a range of tasks without costly mechanical fixtures

A computer monitor with a yellow and black machine</p>
<p>Description automatically generated

Machine Vision is a key technology for advanced manufacturing. 

We employ rule-based machine vision techniques for essential functions including part identification, quality control, and inspection. Furthermore, we delve into the realm of AI, harnessing Deep Learning vision technology to provide in-depth assembly verification and enhanced inspection capabilities.