Book Arts for Design


This module explores the book beyond its conventional place as a carrier of text. 

Learners will be introduced to a range of traditional non-adhesive and adhesive binding techniques through detailed practical demonstrations.

Learners will create content based on themes relevant to their studio practice, utilising the book format as a field for creative composition, interpretation and expression.

Detailed presentations on how the book form has been applied to contemporary design practice will also be examined and discussed. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Display a specialised knowledge of traditional and contemporary bookbinding techniques.

  2. Explore how the book format is contextually and conceptually applied to design practice and exhibit an expanded awareness of contemporary practitioners.

  3. Show an ability to conceive, plan and complete a project, incorporating various components and elements of book design into a coherent unit.

  4. Engage in intensive focused research and development strategies.

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