Cinematography 3


An advanced module in which students work to Dp level in a more detailed focus upon the aesthetics of visual images is required in combination with integrating more complex arrays of cinematographic equipment, including filming for VR and professional use of drones. At this level the emphasis is upon the creative role of DP as the author of light and images on behalf of the director, in the production of narrative meaning.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Critique the creative concerns of the cinematographer by presenting a short illustrated talk on a scene by a specific DP (from any genre), analyzing what was involved in producing the shot and why it was shot in such a way.

  2. Develop (through practical assessed outcomes) the factors required to shape and modulate light in a manner sensitive to the expression of meaning and character within a given genre/documentary situation.

  3. Differentiate via the submission of completed project work the narrative distinction when shooting for VR, compared to traditional frame-based modes of composition.

  4. Organize and co-ordinate crew and multiple items of lighting and camera equipment simultaneously within situations requiring rapid, dynamic, and accurate camerawork.

  5. Appraise and implement the demands of specific narrative to equipment choice, both through project work and accompanying developmental documentation.

  6. Execute varying scales of production, from ECU static shots to large fluid WS situations.

  7. Implement and take responsibility for crew planning, meeting, scheduling and rehearsing, prior to the shooting of work for assessment.

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