Environmental Engineering


This module deals in detail with municipal wastewater treatment, climate change, renewable energy policy and external air quality in Ireland. The design of a municipal wastewater treatment plant is covered in detail and this takes up about 50% of the module. An analysis of raw and treated wastewater is completed by all students in the laboratory. An assessment of the effectiveness of Ireland's climate change policy is determined by reviewing the statistics for greenhouses gas emissions for the country. Renewable energy policy and external air quality for Ireland are also assessed.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Design a municipal wastewater treatment plant.

  2. Complete a laboratory analysis of raw and treated wastewater.

  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the National Climate Change Strategy for Ireland

  4. Appraise the impact renewable energy systems will have on energy supply in Ireland.

  5. Review the current state of air quality in Ireland and assess the effectiveness of the National Air Pollution Control Programme.

% Coursework 30%
% Final Exam 70%