Health Promotion


This module provides an opportunity for students to consider some contemporary nutritional issues. Students will review nutrition related health problems in Ireland in the context of strategies and policies designed to tackle these and consider methods of nutrition education appropriate for specific groups within the population. Exercises used in the module are designed for students to gain a critical awareness of the range of approaches used and to develop skills in evaluating and formulating food, nutrition and health promotion programmes.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the health promotion policies and strategies in place for nutrition and health education in Ireland.

  2. Critically evaluate selected health promotion nutrition incentives and health education initiatives nationally and internationally.

  3. Explain the influences and potential barriers that affect the success of nutrition health promotion and health education initiatives.

  4. Devise, implement and critically evaluate a nutrition and health promotion education package for a target group.

  5. Understand the need for and use of different approaches for various consumer groups in health promotion.

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