Industry and Clay: Exploiting the Industrial Towards Creative Outcomes


On completion of this module the learner will have experienced the industrial mould-making process as a means of producing multiple forms from a mother mould. The concept of the multiple will be examined both in terms of its industrial genesis and its potential as a creative possibility. The production of ‘many’ press-molded or slip-cast objects will be emphasised in terms of their potential to produce a contemporary collection of multiples as a final statement, installation or collection of three-dimensional objects. The possibility of creating an original or unique three-dimensional statement in space while exploiting an indusrial means of production will also be explored. It will be possible to glaze and fire the objects thus rendering them permanent but they could also remain unfired and ephemeral in nature depending on the learner’s perspective.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an ability to self-motivate and to work responsibly, both independently and within the class group

  2. Evidence of an awareness and understanding of good workshop practice and current Health and Safety concerns

  3. Develop the self-awareness to identify and evaluate individual needs within the learning structure, progressing towards an accumulation of appropriate knowledge

  4. Display ability to incorporate intellectual, conceptual concerns and technical solutions in response to a set of problems provided by a given project brief

  5. Formulate responses in the construction project outcomes which reflect the technical input associated with plaster mould-making, press-moulding and slip-casting.

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