Interior Design - 3D Modelmaking and Building Regulations
3D Modelmaking & Building Regulations builds on the fundamental skills, knowledge and know how attained by the learner in Design Studio 1.
This module has two distinct components- the making of sketch and presentation models and an introduction to the statuary Building rules and regulations. The former is concerned with experiencing Spatial organisation through a number of exploratory approaches such as perspective drawing and Maquette Model making. The skills and knowledge acquired give the learner insights into the challenges encountered in actuality. Materials and processes used in model-making are investigated and applied in creating three-dimensional scaled maquettes.
In the Studio learners will construct scaled models, derived from dimensioned drawings using a variety of materials, processes and techniques. These constructions will then be interpreted in a variety of 2D and digital media and from these investigations, a number of design schemes will be generated.
The schemes, which will be presented for assessment, will be analysed in terms of visual presence, appropriateness, sustainability, cost etc.
This hands-on experiential learning is invaluable in the learners' appreciation of the distinction between theory and practice.
The acquirement of skills, knowledge and know-how attained as a result the production of resolved high quality 2D, 3D and digital presentations are the focus of this module.
Other areas of study concern statutory Building and Conservation standards and Planning Regulations - Ireland, EU, best practice globally.
Site and situation- addressing the Interior within the Building and its immediate environs.
Learning Outcomes
Create a design project proposal presentation derived from the construction and treatment of the Model, that consolidates the research and learning from the different stages of the exercise.
Utilise the correct processes for collating data generated by the design task and applying those findings in a successful proposal.
Construct a correctly scaled 3Dimensional model/maquette that demonstrates an understanding of spatial organisation, surface decoration and mood lighting.
Create a range of visual documents of the built Model for presentation- drawing, photography, digital rendering.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of building management and information systems (including the integration of "The Internet of
Things") utility services and technology as they are utilised within the Interior.
Present project outcomes in the form of 3D models, 2D drawings and digital forms, that are increasingly sophisticated in terms of ambition, concept, imagination and presentation.
Demonstrate, in the form of a written report, the implications of the appropriate Building, Planning, Conservation, Energy Regulations on Design and Budget considerations.