Lean Automation


This module looks at the application of Lean Automation in manufacturing, its implications and benefits for the company. The module also explores Lean Six Sigma concepts and tools that can be applied to a company's processes in order to provide the structure and rigour necessary to ensure that waste was removed and variation was reduced before automation. Leveraging Lean Six Sigma concepts and tools before automation technologies are chosen or deployed can ensure high-performing automation solutions.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse and critically evaluate published literature in the area of: Lean Automation in manufacturing; application of Lean Six Sigma tools in the context of automation.

  2. Identify, select and apply Lean Six Sigma tools for evaluating process performance, identifying bottlenecks, problem-solving, prioritising problems and uncovering the root causes of the process problems.

  3. Propose solutions for process improvement and waste reduction, and identify areas where a process could benefit most from automation technology.

  4. Disseminate and debate Lean Automation and Lean Six Sigma research amongst peers.

  5. Demonstrate problem-solving and reflective critical thinking in relation to literature and in the context of discussions and presentations.

  6. Lead a team through the problem-solving and the decision-making process.

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