Mental Health/Psychiatric Nursing Practice Studies 1


This module aims to enable the student of mental health and psychiatric nursing to explore the principles of person centred recovery, validation, respect and dignity as themes that are interwoven throughout the programme as a whole. It aims to develop an understanding of mental health and to help the student to think beyond the symptoms of mental ill health to the person who is experiencing them. The importance of a healthy lifestyle is a recurring theme within the curriculum and in this module it is envisioned that the student becomes aware of his or her own lifestyle and his or her own responsibility as a role model in caring for oneself and caring with others.

Format of the module
The module is comprised of two units. Unit 1: Mental Health for Nursing Practice (7.5 ECTS) and Unit 2: Physical Health skills for Mental Health Nursing Practice 1 (2.5 ECTS).


Learning Outcomes

  1. Conceptualise what is meant by positive mental health, well-being and wellness and the importance of positive self care

  2. Be aware of the principles of recovery in mental health and develop an understanding of collaboration in facilitating recovery in mental health

  3. Understand the importance of reducing stigma, marginalisation and discrimination in relation to mental illness/disorder and the nurses responsibility in this

  4. Demonstrate the importance of healthy coping techniques and lifestyle in promoting positive mental health

  5. Demonstrate an understanding of the experience of mental ill-health and be aware of common mental health problems

  6. Understand the rationale for assessing physical health status of mental health service users and undertake physical health measures to assess physical health for mental health service users

  7. Understand the importance of lifestyle behaviours in promoting or maintaining positive mental health

  8. Be adequately prepared for practice placement 1

% Coursework 50%
% Final Exam 50%