Free public seminar on skills needs of traditional building sector in Ireland and workshop at Portumna Workhouse Centre (3 and 4 June)

Thursday, May 05, 2022 Press Office
Press Release
Skills Needs of traditional building sector

A free public seminar on the skills needs of the traditional building sector in Ireland will be held at Atlantic Technological University, Galway city, on Friday, 3 June 2022 followed by a  demonstration of traditional skills at the Irish Workhouse Centre, Portumna on Saturday, 4 June.

Funded by the Heritage Council and hosted by the Department of Heritage and Tourism, Galway International Hotel School, the seminar will involve a panel discussion between representatives from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB Ireland), education providers and representatives of the traditional skills sector.

It will focus on the recently published report “A Living Tradition: A Strategy to Enhance the Understanding, Minding and Handing on of Our Built Vernacular Heritage - prepared by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage” which sets out actions to ensure vernacular skills are sustainable within the next generation and calls for the involvement of individuals and bodies to analyse the current state and future needs of sector, through public events involving stakeholders.

Event organiser Gary Dempsey, Heritage lecturer, Department of Heritage and Tourism, ATU Galway International Hotel School, says: “This is a great opportunity to hear the views of the public and especially those working in the sector, to inform future needs, training, and sustainability plans in traditional building.

“The workshop on Saturday is for individuals who wish to upskill or learn more about traditional buildings skills. It will include a practical workshop on traditional lime mortars with Mathieu & Mitchell Ltd, an introduction to and mixing of traditional lime mortars, followed by practical demonstration of lime plastering and pointing using natural hydraulic mortars.”

These events are funded by the Heritage Council through the Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2022. Booking is through Eventbrite

For further information about Heritage programmes in ATU’s Galway International Hotel School, see:


Regina Daly, Atlantic TU Communications

+353 (0)91 742826 Mob: +353 (0)879618355