Feedback will help bring about change in Higher Education institutes
GMIT and NUI Galway have issued a joint call urging third-level students in the west to take part in the National Student Survey 2021, the findings of which will be used to further improve their institutes.
Students can take part online by going to from today Monday 22 February until Sunday 14 March.
The survey, now in its ninth year, is open to all first year and final year undergraduate students, as well as students on taught and research postgraduate programmes.
Questions relate to students’ experiences of higher education, including their academic, personal, and social development, as well as focusing on student engagement such as the learning experience, interaction with faculty and support services and activities.
By taking part in the online survey and sharing their experiences, students can have a real impact and help bring about change in their higher education institution.
Feedback from the annual survey has informed recent initiatives like the new Student Information Hub and Graduate Mentor scheme in GMIT. In NUI Galway, student feedback has led to the roll out of the CÉIM academic peer support programme, plans for the redevelopment of the library as a Learning Commons and improved pathways for accessing education by building on the University of Sanctuary designation.
Last year, 44,707 students in 26 higher education institutions took part in the survey and almost 40% of eligible students in GMIT and NUI Galway participated.
Aedín Ó hEocha, Assistant Registrar at GMIT, says: “In previous surveys, GMIT students have consistently rated the quality of their interactions with staff and the effectiveness of teaching highly. Feedback from students is especially important given the changes that COVID has brought to Higher Education over the last 12 months. It is more important now than ever before that students let us know what we are doing well, and where we could improve.”
Professor Michelle Millar, Dean of Students at NUI Galway, says: “NUI Galway had the highest level of student engagement of any university in last year’s survey and almost nine out of 10 of our students said they would choose us again. It is testament to the value that our University community places on high standards and of giving people a voice, particularly our students. We want to maintain these high levels of engagement and satisfaction and learn from our students’ experiences, particularly the impact of Covid-19 and digital learning on student life and education.”
Issued by Regina Daly, GMIT Communications & Press Officer, GMIT, Dublin Road, Galway.
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Legaan Gaeilge
Cuideoidh an t-aiseolas le hathrú a dhéanamh ar institiúidí Ardoideachais
Tá GMIT agus OÉ Gaillimh le chéile ag impí ar mhic léinn tríú leibhéal san iarthar páirt a ghlacadh i Suirbhé Náisiúnta na Mac Léinn, 2021 agus úsáidfear na torthaí chun a n-institiúidí a fheabhsú tuilleadh.
Is féidir le mic léinn an suirbhé a dhéanamh ar líne ag ón lá inniu Dé Luain, an 22 Feabhra go dtí Dé Domhnaigh, an 14 Márta.
Tá an suirbhé, atá naoi mbliana ar an bhfód anois, ar fáil do gach mac léinn fochéime sa chéad bhliain agus i mbliain na céime, chomh maith le mic léinn ar chláir iarchéime múinte agus taighde.
Baineann na ceisteanna le heispéiris na mac léinn ar an ardoideachas, lena n-áirítear a bhforbairt acadúil, phearsanta agus shóisialta, chomh maith le díriú ar rannpháirtíocht na mac léinn cosúil leis an eispéireas foghlama, idirghníomhú leis an bhfoireann teagaisc agus le gníomhaíochtaí tacaíochta.
Trí pháirt a ghlacadh sa suirbhé ar líne agus a dtaithí a roinnt, is féidir le mic léinn tionchar dáiríre a imirt agus cuidiú le hathruithe a dhéanamh ina n-institiúid ardoideachais.
Chuir aiseolas ón suirbhé bliantúil le tionscnaimh atá tagtha chun cinn le déanaí cosúil leis an Mol nua Faisnéise do Mhic Léinn agus scéim Meantóirí Iarchéime in GMIT. In OÉ Gaillimh, cuireadh tús leis an gclár tacaíochta piaraí acadúla dar teideal CÉIM, ár bpleananna d’fhorbairt ár leabharlainne mar Ionad Foghlama agus bealaí feabhsaithe chun rochtain a fháil ar oideachas trí chur lenár n-ainmniúchán mar Ollscoil Tearmainn.
Anuraidh, ghlac 44,707 mac léinn as 26 institiúid ardoideachais páirt sa suirbhé agus ghlac beagnach 40% de mhic léinn incháilithe in GMIT agus in OÉ Gaillimh páirt ann.
Deir Aedín Ó hEocha, Cláraitheoir Cúnta GMIT: “I suirbhéanna roimhe seo, léirigh mic léinn GMIT go raibh caighdeán ard ag baint lena n-idirghníomhaíochtaí leis an bhfoireann agus le héifeachtacht an teagaisc. Tá aiseolas ó mhic léinn an-tábhachtach i bhfianaise na n-athruithe atá tagtha ar an Ardoideachas le 12 mhí anuas de bharr COVID. Tá sé níos tábhachtaí anois ná riamh go gcuirfeadh mic léinn in iúl dúinn céard atá go maith, agus cén chaoi a bhféadfaimis feabhsú.”
Deir an tOllamh Michelle Millar, Déan na Mac Léinn in OÉ Gaillimh: “Bhí an leibhéal is airde rannpháirtíochta ag mic léinn OÉ Gaillimh as gach ollscoil i suirbhé na bliana seo caite agus dúirt beagnach naonúr as deichniúr mac léinn go roghnóidís an ollscoil seo arís. Is léiriú é ar an luach a chuireann pobal na hOllscoile ar ardchaighdeáin agus ar dheis a thabhairt do dhaoine a dtuairimí a roinnt, go háirithe dár gcuid mac léinn. Ba mhaith linn na leibhéil arda rannpháirtíochta agus sástachta seo a choinneáil agus foghlaim ó eispéiris ár gcuid mac léinn, go háirithe maidir le tionchar Covid-19 agus foghlaim dhigiteach ar shaol agus ar oideachas na mac léinn.”
Arna eisiúint ag Regina Daly, Oifigeach Cumarsáide & Preasa GMIT, GMIT, Bóthar Bhaile Átha Cliath, Gaillimh.
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Institiúid Teicneolaíochta na Gaillimhe-Maigh Eo, Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Shligigh agus Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Leitir Ceanainn ag obair le chéile chun Ollscoil Teicneolaíochta a fhorbairt d’Iarthar agus d’Iarthuaisceart na hÉireann