Entry Requirements
- Candidates applying directly to the ATU will have to meet the entry requirements as indicated in ATU/GMIT’s Academic Code of Practice No. 4 (Access, Transfer and Progression), at any given time.
- The minimum entry requirement is a Level 8 degree with a H2.2 classification or equivalent and, at least 1 year experience working in or providing solutions into a healthcare environment.
- There is no cognate award requirement for entry and eligible candidates may be from any domain of activity of the health services sector, including inter alia health care and social care professionals, administrative, technical support staff and solutions development providers.
- Applicants not having the minimum formal qualification can be considered through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process to establish equivalence. Members of the programme team will be actively involved in processing applications through RPL.
- Applications will be welcomed from international candidates who meet the minimum entry requirements. Where required, the Department of Nursing, Health Science and Integrated Care will engage with the ATU International Office to map progression from partner colleges abroad.
- Applicants whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of English language proficiency based on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or equivalent. These requirements are available from ATU/GMIT's Admission's office
Additional Requirements
For admission onto the programme, eligible candidates will be required to confirm that they have access to the following:
- Windows 10 Operating System
- Internet Explorer 11
- CPU Intel Core i5 or better
- 4 GB RAM
- Display 1440 x 900
- Administrative rights on a computing device (PC, Laptop, Tablet etc.) to download Microsoft Power BI (64-bit version) and Excel add-ins within the package
Start Date
Online Induction will take place September 2024.
Online Lectures will start September 2024.
Apply here
Guest Lecturers
Guest lecturers from areas of industry will contribute to some module elements.
The eHealth project has made significant progress in terms of the roll-out and integration of ICT systems across Irish healthcare services. The project objectives, inter alia, are identified as: improved population wellbeing; placing the patient at the centre of the healthcare delivery system; improved health service provider efficiencies; and the provision of an Electronic Health Record (EHR). Additionally, the project objectives align with the overall healthcare reform agenda which signals the move to a more sustainable model of healthcare, (the concept of the right care in the right place at the right time) including new models of care, technological innovation and healthcare insights derived from data.
Achievement of these objectives can only be realised through unlocking the ‘meaningful use’ of the vast amounts of healthcare data which these systems continue to capture and generate. In the business world, where successful analytics adoption (including big data analytics) has supported business value creation, the approach has been to strategically manage the diffusion of an analytics culture throughout the organisation, recognising that analytics is an amalgam of technology, process, and human capital.
This programme aims to equip students in the use of data analytics to influence healthcare delivery by raising their level of healthcare analytics awareness and skills for application & will equip graduates to use analytics in local decision-making and collaborate with the centralised business intelligence units.
Fees and Funding
The Total Fees (EU Fees) for this programme can be found on our Fees & Funding webpage - Fees & Funding | ATU - Atlantic Technological University.
Brian Mulhern
Programme Co-ordinator
Email: brian.mulhern@atu.ie
Deaglan O'Riain
Email: deaglan.oriainatu.ie
Carmel Heaney
Email: carmel.heaney@atu.ie
Staff Profile: Carmel Heaney | ATU - Atlantic Technological University (gmit.ie)
Elaine McHugh
Email: elaine.mchugh@atu.ie
Staff Profile: Elaine McHugh | ATU - Atlantic Technological University (gmit.ie)