Psychology - Coaching and Motivation


The student will be able to utilise applied and theoretic methods to optimise athlete learning and design an effective practice environment. In conjunction with this, the student will develop a comprehensive understanding of how attentional cueing (internal, external, neural cues) impacts athlete learning in relation to applied coaching techniques. The learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how group and team dynamics evolve, with respect to effective leadership or peer-led leadership groups within a squad environment. The learner will understand how Mosston spectrum of teaching can be implemented to create a meaningful and effective learning environment and how to identify alternative motivation techniques on an individual basis in a group environment. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Define how implicit and explicit learning enhances the training environment.

  2. Critically discuss how the Mosston spectrum of teaching can be implemented to create a meaningful and effective learning environment.  

  3. Demonstrate how reflective practice can lead to life-long learning. 

  4. Identify the importance of different types of feedback.

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