Research / Action Project
The Research / Action project is the culmination of the learner's engagement in the transformative learning of the Master's programme. In this regard, the learner will demonstrate an integration of knowledge and the capacity to apply that knowledge for transformative practice in EDI.
Consistent with the values of EDI, including its application to pedagogy and epistemology, the Research / Action Project will offer the learner a wide variety of methods by which to generate and apply new knowledge. This could include the essay or dissertation style of production but it could also utilise culturally diverse modes of knowledge presentation such as artistic work, narrative presentations, oral recordings, online and new technological engagements. The Project may also encompass an intervention in social space which transforms social practice in favour of greater EDI. The module will be overseen and supported by a panel of academics who will evaluate learner proposals in accordance with how it demonstrates achievement of the modular learning outcomes.
The Research / Action project will reflect the thematic and theoretical approach of the programme. Accordingly, learners will be expected to approach their Research / Action project through an intersectional lens and seek to design their project with attention on the overlapping and cumulative manifestations of inequality and exclusion. While learners may choose to emphasise a specific thematic concern such as with race, gender, or embodiment, or other selected topics, they will be expected to integrate this focus with how a manifestation of inequality effects, and is effected by, other dimensions of lived exclusion.
This Project requires the learner to conceptualise, design, conduct, analyse and formally write up, visually represent, or orally present a substantial applied action-transformative project or research-driven innovation/intervention to postgraduate research standard. The objective of the module specification is to provide a structured pathway to support learners through a process of systematic investigation and applied, transformative work and develop their capability to conduct an independent, ethically compliant, critically evaluated research/action project.
The process and outcome are contextualized within the critical framework of contemporary equality, diversity, and inclusion practice. The aim is to develop a shared inquiry into the theory, history, best practices, and critiques of various approaches to equality, diversity, and inclusion in communities through the iterative stages of project ideation, design, implementation, testing, and evaluation. While projects may include the design and development of real-world projects, grounded in the needs of real people, the module aims to support many modes of research enquiry, not solely practice-based or practice-led enquiry. The final project outcomes will be presented at a symposium, to disseminate the ideas and demonstrate the public value of the work. To sustain effort and persistence, the salience of goals and objectives will be heightened by engaging learners in assessment discussions of what constitutes excellence and generating relevant examples that connect to their cultural background and interests in such a way that they can clearly demonstrate they have met the learning outcomes of the module.
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate a high of level of empathy and in-depth judgement of problem definition in the ideation stage of their project design
articulate an internalised personal world view, to manifest solidarity with others and to engage creatively with them through the design of their research/action project
Demonstrate the ability to manage an action/research project from design through to implementation
Critically test, analyze and reflect on their own and other’s work, practices, and contexts during the project iteration
Develop an effective critique of the ethical and practical implications of their research/action through a thorough evaluation process
Clearly present and defend the outcome or product of their research/action project