Research Methods
The aim of this module is to ensure that students will be fully competent to conduct and disseminate research. Students will develop skills in critically engaging with academic and technical literature and learn to synthecise information. They will learn to select appropriate research tools and plan their project to reach deliverables. They will reflect on some the ethical, societal and practical problems of data collection, including sampling, gaining access to data, designing a research instrument and the principle of quantitative and qualitative analysis. They will learn to integrate societal issues such as universal design and sustainability in the scope of their project.
Learning Outcomes
Systematically review and evaluate current literature, using appropriate tools and techniques.
Identify, analyse and evaluate appropriate research methods for research project proposal development.
Demonstrate the synthesis and integration of knowledge.
Develop a research proposal in line with best practice in project management.
Create an appropriate data management structure.
Communicate research in various formats including written and oral presentation methods.
Integrate sustainability and universal design principles in the development of an engineering solution to a problem.