Services (Part E, F, G, H, J and D)
This module aims, in as reasonably practicable way as possible, to develop an in-depth knowledge, understanding and experience of the design, site and compliance requirements for Part E (Sound), Part F (Ventilation), Part G (Hygiene), Part H (Drainage and Wastewater Disposal), and Part J (Heat Producing Appliances). On completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate, to a high standard of completion, their understanding and application of Part E, F, G, H, and J through individual and group assessment and individual project work, to demonstrate compliance in the building regulations, and to model some legislative roles and responsibilities required in the Irish built environment regulations.
Learning Outcomes
Investigate, determine and inform their knowledge, skills and experience relating to Part E Sound, E1 Sound, E2 Reverberation, E3 Definitions, Health and Safety and best practice requirements in the Irish built environment, in a reasonably practicable way.
Investigate, determine and inform their knowledge, skills and experience relating to Part F Ventilation, F1 Means of Ventilation, Supplementary Documents, Health and Safety and best practice requirements in the Irish built environment, in a reasonably practicable way.
Investigate, determine and inform their knowledge, skills and experience relating to Part G Hygiene, G1 Bathrooms and Kitchens, G2 Sanitary Conveniences and Washing Facilities, G3 Definitions, Health and Safety and best practice requirements in the Irish built environment, in a reasonably practicable way.
Investigate, determine and inform their knowledge, skills and experience relating to Part H Drainage and Wastewater Disposal, H1 Drainage Systems, H2 Wastewater Treatment Systems, H3 Definitions, Health and Safety and best practice requirements in the Irish built environment, in a reasonably practicable way.
Investigate, determine and inform their knowledge, skills and experience relating to Part J (J1 to J7 inclusive), Health and Safety and best practice requirements in the Irish built environment, in a reasonably practicable way.