Statistical Methods for Manufacturing
Statistics is concerned with maintaining and improving the quality of goods and services. Variability is inherent in all processes, whether they be manufacturing processes or service processes. This variability must be controlled to create high quality goods and services and must be reduced to improve quality. This module examines variability in manufacturing processes and introduces the statistical methods,tools and techniques for reducing this variation. Process stability and capability are covered in addition to Experimental Design, Six Sigma and Lean manufacturing.
Learning Outcomes
Implement process monitoring for a wide variety of different processes by selecting the most appropriate SPC chart
Evaluate the stability of a manufacturing or service process using Statistical Process Control and assess the capability of the process to conform to customer specifications by conducting a PCA study
Justify the implementation of a Lean Six Sigma project and execute various techniques as appropriate to each phase
Produce a rudimentary Failure Mode and Effects Analysis [FMEA] for a process
Examine Cause-and-Effect relationships using Experimental Design and interpret the results of ANOVA.