Strength and Conditioning Theory and Practice


This module aims to provide students with an advanced knowledge and understanding of the fundamental processes modalities of resistance training (triphasic, French contrast, strength, endurance, core strength, power), novel (and advanced) training methods (eccentric, isometric, bands, chains, velocity based training, complex training, occlusion training), theory of periodisation (manipulation of variables), application of periodisation in an applied setting, return to play protocols, speed and agility, plyometrics, Olympic lifting, specificity, metabolic conditioning for individual and team based athletes, application of PAP, recovery protocols, screening and monitoring.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Discuss and appraise the practical principles of strength, speed and power development.

  2. Describe the physiological and mechanical adaptations associated with advanced resistance training techniques.

  3. Apply the theory and practice of novel training techniques and specific application to different settings.

  4. Develop practical training strategies; manipulation of variables for different periodisation modalities.  

  5. Critically evaluate the practical applications of developing rehab and prehab protocols in an individual and team environment as part of return to play protocols and in the general population.

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