
An applied intermediate module in the interdependent studio areas of virtual cinematography, DMP and environmental art, green screen,
compositing, rotoscoping and motion-tracking (Nuke, Syntheyes) within the contemporary post-production environment for film and moving-image industries.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Execute work in a self-directed and focussed manner in the digital studio using contemporary hardware and software

  2. Operate Nuke software in order carry out common post-production tasks for film and moving-image industries, including: compositing, virtual cinematography (virtual cameras and lighting in 3D space), keying (luma and colour), rotoscoping, colour matching and basic grading.

  3. Construct digital matte paintings (DMP) using image selection and compositing tools.

  4. Differentiate and compare contemporary international trends in the field of visual post-production in the context of their own personal studio

  5. Design and deliver innovative cinematographic sequences  for critical assessment.

  6. Construct work to a range of required industry formats and technical standards

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